xslt simplified syntax

Simplified Syntax

1. How to use XSLT simplified syntax


How to use XSLT simplified syntax

Steve Muench

Using the simple form gives up some features to achieve simplicity of representation for people who want to continue using their existing HTML editors to edit their "HTML page with data plugged in" as they learn to exploit the basics of XSLT.

The key limitation is that you cannot use "top-level" XSLT-namespace elements like:


in a "simple form" stylesheet. The feeling in the XSL Working Group was, if someone began to "discover" the need for these facilities, then they were venturing beyond the "simple-case" stage, and at that point we could assume they were mentally "ready" to learn about an enclosing <xsl:stylesheet> element and what <xsl:template> is used for.

=== Some Background ===

The "simple form" of an XSLT stylesheet -- known in the spec as "Literal Result Element as Stylesheet" http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#result-element-stylesheet -- was conceived as a mechanism to allow someone familiar with HTML to continue to use their familiar HTML editing tools to work on stylesheets that only need a single, root template. The feature was designed as a smooth-slope introduction capability to be able to help people who knew HTML begin to use XSLT without understanding the Spec cover to cover.

One very common case that the "simple form" caters to, is the one where someone is formatting database query results into an HTML page. Many Ecommerce apps are doing this, making use of XML/XSLT, a stylesheet like:

<html xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
      <!-- Imagine a "shopping cart" query -->
      <xsl:for-each select="ROWSET/ROW">

This stylesheet can still edited using FrontPage, DreamWeaver, etc. With the simple form, once you teach HTML-savvy people that they:

(1) Add an XSLT namespace declaration and xsl:version="1.0" to their <html> element, and
(2) Combine <xsl:for-each> for looping and <xsl:value-of> to "plug in" dynamic data
(3) Use /a/b/c "directory-like" notation to refer to elements in the source document (the way I explain the basics of XPath to beginners)

Then they can begin to get productive without having to understand the XSLT spec cover to cover.

Steve Muench Adds:

From the spec, in the "DTD Fragment for XSL Stylesheets" you can see what xsl-namespace attributes are allows on literal results elements:

<!ENTITY % result-element-atts '
  xsl:extension-element-prefixes CDATA #IMPLIED
  xsl:exclude-result-prefixes CDATA #IMPLIED
  xsl:use-attribute-sets %qnames; #IMPLIED
  xsl:version NMTOKEN #IMPLIED

So, using a "simple form" of a stylesheet like...

  <html xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform

...in addition to the xsl:version="1.0" which is mandatory, you can optionally add xsl:extension-element-prefixes, xsl:exclude-result-prefixes, and xsl:use-attribute-sets. So, using a simple form stylesheet does *NOT* mean you give up extensibility or ability to control namespaces on the output.

The only requirement to use these xsl: attributes is that the xsl namespace be in scope on the element where you use them. In my example above, if I'd include them on the <html> element I'd be fine since that element declares the "xsl" namespace.

Within the "simple" stylesheet you can use any XSLT "action" which is valid to use inside a template. Remember that the "simple form" is a shortcut for defining a stylesheet with a single match="/" template containing it as the template "body".