xslt, subscript and supershript

Subscript and Superscript

1. Superscript and Subscript
2. Constant line height with superscript


Superscript and Subscript

Sebastian Rahtz

<fo:inline vertical-align="sub" font-size="8pt"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </fo:inline> sup is the same.


Constant line height with superscript

Ken Holman, David Tolpin

>Is there anyway to keep uniform spacing between lines when using
>superscripts and subscripts with XEP? The space above the line with the
>superscript is always greater than the that of the rest of the lines 
>in the paragraph.

The default for line-stacking-strategy= is max-height, hence the reason the lines are not stacked evenly.

Use line-stacking-strategy="font-height" in order to keep a rigid distance between the baselines of all text lines.

David Tolpin adds

Attribute 'line-height-shift-adjustment' controls whether subscripts and superscripts affect line heights. The default value for this attribute is 'consider-shifts', which XEP adheres to.

Set the value to 'disregard-shifts' to get uniform line spacing regardless of presence of subscripts and superscripts.